The Constitution of India: A Recipe for Unity and Diversity

Aug 21, 2023

A week has passed since we commemorated our Independence Day. Amidst the jubilant festivities, I found myself contemplating the trajectory of this remarkable nation over the years. Our nation is a tapestry of diversity, encompassing varying backgrounds in terms of caste, creed, language, and more. Despite the multitude of disparities, this illustrious country has confronted numerous trials, including instances of communal unrest, Naxal movements, periods of emergency, insurgency in Jammu and Kashmir, and challenging relations with neighbouring nations.

In the face of such turbulence, it’s awe-inspiring that this grand country, with a population of 1.4 billion, remains united. I found myself pondering the factors that facilitate this unity. While several nations that gained independence from colonial rule around the same period as ours have succumbed to military governance or descended into chaos, what has enabled our nation—with a significantly larger expanse and populace—to endure and thrive? The answer is elegantly simple: The Constitution of India which we call the “Samvidhan.” This document encapsulates our collective aspirations as a nation and illuminates the pathway toward their realization.

Here’s an interesting fact: our Constitution is the longest rulebook ever made! It took more than three years for the wise people of that time to talk and create it. It was discussed for 165 days in parliament. Think about how careful they were.

The beginning of the Constitution, called the Preamble, talks about a place where things are fair for everyone – in society, money, and how we treat each other. It promises that we can all do our own things and be treated the same. Nowadays, people talk a lot about protecting and changing the Constitution. But what’s really important is the heart of the Constitution – its spirit. It’s okay for it to change as time goes on, but we must always keep its spirit alive.

It is this very Constitution that enables individuals from diverse backgrounds, and ordinary upbringings to aspire to and attain the position of Prime Minister in our nation. This Constitution also played a pivotal role in empowering a female Prime Minister to lead our esteemed country, a milestone achieved at a time when numerous nations were still in the process of debating women’s voting rights. Moreover, this very Constitution grants us the freedom to embrace our identities and thrive to our utmost potential.

But remember, along with having rights, we also have responsibilities. Our Constitution reminds us that while we chase our dreams, we should be careful not to spoil someone else’s plans. The creators of the Constitution were like the original thinkers of India, coming up with a recipe for unity in diversity. They understood that the secret to a happy country is having many different things, mixing them together, and adding a big helping of ambitious dreams.

So, as we wave our flags and dress up in patriotic clothes, let’s remember that this is more than just looking back; it’s about toasting to the endless possibilities ahead. Our Constitution is like a ticket to a never-ending show. It’s an invitation to think big, to use our Constitution to create a bright future and to make a future so great that even our great-grandkids will be really happy.

Cheers to our country. Jai Hind!