I woke up this morning slightly nostalgic for the Republic Day celebrations during school. All kids in sweaters on a foggy Bangalore winter morning, (this was before climate change) at attention, for the flag hoisting and the sweets that followed later.
It used to bring a strange delight to start with a pledge (though I did not want all Indians to be my sisters), to sing the National Anthem together and salute that beautiful Tiranga! The beauty of our Constitution and the rights, freedoms and duties it enshrines upon us became clearer each passing year.
A few days ago I attended the launch of the autobiography of my dear friend Justice Shivraj V. Patil, former Supreme Court Judge, titled ‘Time Spent Distance Travelled’ – such an august gathering. Justice RF Nariman, another former Supreme Court judge recalled instances of Justice Patil’s life and landmark judgements but also spoke about the spirit of the Constitution that is embedded in the preamble and elsewhere which shapes who we are as as people in this great nation.
It was enlightening to hear Justice Nariman speak about how the spirit of the Constitution is unchangeable versus amendments that occur as time evolves to allow for a changing society. He said, “There are some explicit and implicit limitations of amendments and they cannot undermine the basic value of the Constitution written by our forefathers”.
That made sense to me, the Constitution was written in the 50s and there are many things today that were just not present in those days, for example, the internet and same-sex marriage, etc. So the stated objectives of the preamble are to secure justice, liberty, and equality for all citizens and promote fraternity to maintain the unity and integrity of the nation. Keeping the sanctity of this spirit and the fundamental thesis amendments are made from time to time to fit in the evolving living practices so that everyone’s rights are protected as enshrined in the Constitution.
Adulting jades us sometimes, and the visceral feeling fades, but my fervent wish for my young nation is that she is prosperous and peaceful and forever stays a haven for her citizens bringing us closer to utopia!
Maybe I will go down for my community flag hoisting #RepublicDay2024